January 2009 – Health Tips E-Newsletter


Happy New Year! Living in San Diego sure makes the start of the New Year EASY! I hope your New Year for 2009 is fabulous!

No changes to my practice – still focusing on stretching contracted connective tissue (muscles, tendons, ligaments, etc.) and deactivating trigger points, which allows your body to release pain and to find its natural alignment so that you can move without feeling pain. I specialize in several modalities from gentle to intense. My website is very informative, so please visit to learn more about my services and massage-bodywork benefits and tips for before, during, and after your sessions.

I am very grateful to have so many wonderful clients, because lately I have been receiving many referrals and testimonials from them! With this type of practice, passing information from person-to-person is the best advertising, so word-of-mouth is one the best ways I receive clients like you. If you haven’t worked with me yet, check out the testimonials, and see if you want to change your mind!

Other tidbits:

My session rates are reasonable – check my website for the latest prices.  When new clients call for an appointment with me and they mention your name as the referral, I will discount your next appointment by $10. Visit my website for or more information about appointment times and my studio location in Ocean Beach/Point Loma.

Visit my website for or more information about appointment times and my studio location in Ocean Beach/Point Loma.

Once you scheduled your first appointment with me, please, complete the First Time Client forms. You can bring them with you to your appointment or email them back to me before you appointment date.  If you don’t have time to complete them, don’t worry, I have these forms at the studio, too.

If you are in a pinch, I have gift certificates available for upcoming holidays (like Valentine’s Day!), birthdays, and other celebrations. There are still outstanding gift certificates out there too, so don’t forget to use them!

I am available to speak to your company or organization about general health and the benefits of massage-bodywork therapy. If your company is interested in establishing or maintaining a wellness department to provide pain and stress prevention to its employees for improved work performance, please, contact me.

If you have any questions about my services and would like to set up an appointment, please, call or email me. I look forward to working with you at your next appointment!


“You have the choice every moment of the day to be either self-constructive or self-destructive.” –Douglas Graham


The weather has been spectacular (well from my perspective!) which makes it simple to get rolling on all your New Year’s intentions, right? Well, maybe not so. Winter, even in San Diego, is the season of replenishment, resting, reflecting, and being more aware of your emotions and senses. But it is also ideal to keep active in order to keep your body warm and your energy moving. Then by spring, you will be ready to get start new projects and begin/continue working on your intention list for the year!

Ideas that you are already familiar with to keep you happy and healthy are eating fresh foods, maintaining a positive outlook, sleeping and exercising regularly along with receiving massage-bodywork sessions help lessen/ease your stress in your life and improve your well-being. Now that the holidays are long gone, you may feel tired, heavier, and more emotional. Here are other ideas I have been sharing lately with people to feel lighter in body, mind, and spirit:

Drink HOT water! It’s cold these days, but you still need water, so try drinking it hot! Most of the time, I’ll mix ½ boiling water with ½ room temperature water. You can still add lemon juice, cayenne pepper, or flavors that you prefer. You might even crave this drink after awhile, even during the summer. Really!

Making and drinking one “green drink” daily. I usually have my green drinks in the morning. Today, I used 2 leafs of kale, a handful of cilantro, a carrot, a grapefruit, ~2 cups of hot water, and blend in a blender. YUM! See “Resource of the Month” for Victoria’s book – with recipes, too.

If you are still feeling hungry from the holidays, maybe consider a colon cleansing and/or body detox programs. There are so many “out there” that you’ll have to do some research online or at your local health food store. I used http://www.drnatura.com/. It was very easy to do, and I did NOT have to change my regular meal routine. These programs will help cleanse your taste buds so foods/drinks will taste better, help you loose weight, and allow your system to flow more effectively.

If you are really focused about cleansing your body, consider taking wheatgrass, a couple times daily, during your cleanse.

If you are not going to use a cleansing program, consider taking acidophilus to normalizing the flora in your digestive track, so that you can digest your food and absorb nutrients better.

Exercise, at least, once a day – outside or indoors! I know it’s challenging during the winter. I generally don’t like going to gyms (duh, I live in San Diego!), but started again after the New Year and I LIKE IT! I’m taking classes, so I don’t have to create my own workouts all the time. The instructor can do that for you while you workout to burn calories, gain muscle, lose weight!

There are so many other suggestions I could list, but start with something easy first, see if you like it, and make it a habit. Then try another suggestion or idea that you been thinking about. The goal is to have fun! Enjoy!


Here are books I read and enjoyed. Lots of information for you to experiment with in your path to feeling happy and healthy!

Green for Life by Victoria Boutenko

Staying Healthy with the Seasons by Elson M. Haas, M.D.

I have not read this book yet, but heard great things about it!
The Gut Flush Plan: The Breakthrough Cleansing Program to Rid Your Body of the Toxins That Make You Sick, Tired, and Bloated by Ann Louise Gittleman

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