December 2008 – Health Tips E-Newsletter


Ahhh….the holidays are in full gear! Are you taking care of yourself first so that you are able to give and receive with everyone else? In addition to eating healthy foods, maintaining a positive outlook, and sleeping and exercising regularly, you can include massage-bodywork sessions to help lessen/ease your stress during these frenzied times. Receiving massage-bodywork sessions and giving gift certificates that promote health can be incentive and encouragement for both you and your loved ones to stay healthy together.

My practice primarily focuses on stretching contracted connective tissue (muscles, tendons, ligaments, etc.) and deactivating trigger points, which allows your body to release pain and to find its natural alignment so that you can move without feeling pain. I specialize in several modalities from gentle to intense. My website is very informative, so please visit to learn more about my services and massage-bodywork benefits and tips for before, during, and after your sessions.

My session rates are reasonable – check my website for the latest prices.  When new clients call for an appointment with me and they mention your name as the referral, I will discount your next appointment by $10. Visit my website for or more information about appointment times and my studio location in Ocean Beach/Point Loma.

Don’t forget I have gift certificates available for the Christmas and New Year holidays! There are still outstanding gift certificates out there too, so don’t forget to use them!

I am available to speak to your company or organization about general health and the benefits of massage-bodywork therapy. If your company is interested in establishing or maintaining a wellness department to provide pain and stress prevention to its employees for improved work performance, please, contact me.

If you have any questions about my services and would like to set up an appointment, please, call or email me. I look forward to working with you at your next appointment!


“Living in a way that is outwardly simple and inwardly rich.” –Duane Elgin


The holidays always seem “crazy” with too many things to do, parties to attend, and more! This time you wonder if you are going to make it through this week, much less Christmas and New Year’s. Just remember to keep yourself your #1 priority and everything else will fall into place. You have the capacity to shift gears and slow down and breathe. You can set boundaries and designate time for self and relaxation. Schedule your day and all it activities so that don’t over-schedule yourself and at the end of the day you can be proud of what you accomplished. Find ways to re-energize yourself throughout the day while working, shopping, doing a tedious task, etc. like taking a break that from what you are doing, think about how much you have in your life to be grateful for, go for walk, meditate, etc. You can also engage in some new creative expression to rebalance your life – like a new hobby, a new book to read, anything that will stimulate mentally and physically. Just be easy about yourself. The winter and the holidays are for slowing down and savoring the many blessings you have in your life, so that you can be re-energized for new beginnings in the spring!


Here are some books that were recommended to me that maybe of interest to you (but I have not read):

Simplify Your Holidays: A Christmas Planner to Use Year after Year by Marcia Ramsland

Timeshifting: Creating More Time to Enjoy Your Life by Stephan Rechtschaffen

The Simple Living Network website has numbers ideas and resources to share to simplify your life and lifestyle.

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