July 2008 – Health Tips E-Newsletter


Do you want to look thinner and feel great this summer? Try my massage-bodywork services to help you on your path of looking trimmer and feeling less pain! My services will STRETCH your body like it has never been stretched before to release (the source) pain so that when your session is completed you will feel rejuvenated, more upright, and more in your natural expanded posture (and potentially look thinner!). My practice includes traditional Thai massage, Structural Integration, the Rossiter System, and Neuromuscular Therapy.

In June and July, I attended monthly meetings with the United Veterans’ Council of San Diego and the San Diego’s Veterans Administration Community Advisory Board to introduce the idea of incorporating therapeutic/medicinal massage-bodywork therapy services as another holistic approach to healing in the government healthcare system for military personnel. The response was very supportive! Read more about my community project on my website.

My website is very informative, so please visit them to learn more about my services, massage benefits and tips, my schedule and calendar, and more!

Also, I am giving free evening talks/demos from July through September. The first talk/demo is about the Structural Integration (SI) 10-Series on Tuesday evening, July 22nd, at People’s Co-Op starting at 6:15 PM. If you never experienced SI, it is definitely something to do if you want to transform your life by getting your body back to its natural alignment that allows you to move more freely. When I received the 10-Series in 1996, it was life-changing experience for me to where I was about an inch and half taller and the series corrected my walking and running gaits, and I have maintained this posture even to this day!

If you have any questions about my services, please, call me! I look forward to working with you at your next appointment – soon!


“Basically the major pains of the body, such as heartburn, rheumatoid joint pain, back pain, colitis pain, migraine headaches, fibromyalgic pain, even angina pain are signs of dehydration in the human body.” – Fereydoon Batmanghelidj


Are you in pain? Overweight or want to lose some weight? Feel lethargic and tired throughout the day? Do you sometimes binge on your “favorite” food? All of a sudden get really hot and start sweating and you’re not exercising? Do you have high blood pressure, kidney stones, depression, diabetes, chronic fatigue syndrome (along with other ailments, like cancer, arthritis, allergies, etc.)? Well, for one, you are dehydrated. Many of the clients who visit me are dehydrated especially in the summer. I can feel it when I work on your connective tissue and muscles. People say, “I drink water all the time!”. The question is, HOW MUCH? Take your bodyweight and divide that by two. This is the MINIMUM amount of water in ounces you should be drinking daily. YEP. Start drinking (now and) throughout the day – when you wake-up to before dinner. If you do this (faithfully) and you will definitely feel the difference. Trust me and try it! If you want more information about daily water consumption and a hydration calculator, read below about an excellent book resource.


Here’s an EXCELLENT book about water, Your Body’s Many Cries for Water, by Fereydoon Batmanghelidj. If this book does not convince you about the importance of water, then nothing will!  This is his website, www.watercure.com.

Copyright © 2007-2013 Michele Ruppert – All Rights Reserved
No part of this website may be reproduced without permission.

June 2008 – Health Tips E-Newsletter


Thank you, everyone, who has given me the opportunity to provide massage-bodywork services to you, your family, friends, and colleagues. I have learned so much from all these different sessions that it has allowed me to exponentially enrich my skills as holistic health practitioner.

SO are you getting stressed out (better yet, excited) that SUMMER is almost here? Well, it is time to treat yourself to therapeutic massage and bodywork that will relax your body, ease your stress, and get rid of pain in your body. Did I just read “get rid of pain”? YES. My massage-bodywork services will STRETCH your body like it has never been stretched before to release (the source) pain so that when your session is completed you will feel rejuvenated and ready to take-on summer! My services include traditional Thai massage, Structural Integration, the Rossiter System, and Neuromuscular Therapy.

My website is very informative! Please, visit them to learn more specifics about my services, massage benefits and tips, my schedule and calendar, and more!

Also, I am giving free evening talks/demos from July through September. The first talk/demo is about the Structural Integration (SI) 10-Series on Tuesday evening, July 22nd, at People’s Co-Op starting at 6:15 PM. If you never experienced SI, it is definitely something to do if you want to transform your life by getting your body back to its natural alignment that allows you to move more freely – without pain. When I received the 10-Series in 1996, it was life-changing experience for me to where I was about an inch and half taller and the series corrected my walking and running gaits, and I have maintained this posture even to this day!

If you have any questions about my services, please, call me! I look forward to working with you at your next appointment – soon!


“When the body gets working appropriately, the force of gravity can flow through. Then, spontaneously, the body heals itself.” –Ida P. Rolf


The body is meant to MOVE! The human body is not designed to lay or sit around all day. Really. The best movement you can do for yourself is walking, and you don’t even need to take a class and spend money on gas to do it! Walking for 30 minutes a day should be considered as a gift to you. Giving this time to yourself allows you to breathe in more oxygen to your organs and blood so that you can release more toxins from your body, gives you a well-deserved break from the busy life that you lead, allows you to absorb some sunlight into your skin so you can assimilate vitamin D and other nutrients in your body, allows you to burn up some calories and get your blood flowing, and much more. Try it! Block out a part of your schedule and dedicate it yourself and walk. Do it for 2 weeks and see if you are feeling better! Also, if you are injured, you can still move! Exercise the other part of you body and/or gently exercise/stretch/massage that part of the body that’s injured. This movement will help the connective issue heal without building-up scar tissue.


Here’s a book I read at my parent’s home a couple of years ago, You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay. It was an awesome read! Her main message is “If we are willing to do the mental work, almost anything can be healed.” She shares her experiences about healing, including how she cured herself after being diagnosed with cancer. Not only can you read this book, now you can watch the movie. The movie includes other inspirational people like Wayne Dyer, Jerry & Esther Hicks, and many more. Several of my friends are getting together in small groups, watching the movie together, and sharing what they got out of the movie. A very powerful way to watch inspirational movies! This movie will help you get “You are what you think.”

Copyright © 2007-2013 Michele Ruppert – All Rights Reserved
No part of this website may be reproduced without permission.

April 2008 – Health Tips E-Newsletter

As we know, change is constant. No, I am not changing careers again. Instead, I am promoting the Structural Integration 10-Series to my current and future clients who never received it before…

The intention of my practice has always been to address the symptoms that cause pain. Since working in this field of therapeutic massage-bodywork, what I am finding is that I cannot alleviate specific issues entirely in one session or in a couple of sessions. Why? Because with all the constant, daily stresses you put on your body throughout the day, your posture eventually goes out of natural alignment so that you feel stiff, sore, tired, achy, cranky, etc. For example, when I get a client who has numbing in his/her hands, I actually start my work in the shoulder girdle to relieve the pain. Generally, that takes care of it, but later the client comes back with the same issue. Depending on the history of the client, the pelvis could be rotated and/or the feet could be unbalanced in a certain way which is throwing off the shoulder girdle and your hands are getting the brunt of pain.

Soooooo…..if you are suffering from (the same ole) pain in a specific area or all over your body, then now is the time to transform your life so that you can diminish pain from your body. This will require dedication from you, but it will change your life both physically and emotionally. If you receive massage-bodywork on a routine basis (and you keep going to “the doctor” for the same issues) OR you never received massage-bodywork before, then consider making a health investment for yourself and experience Structural Integration (also known as Rolfing) 10-Series with me.

There is so much more I can tell you about Structural Integration (SI), but you don’t have the time to read what I can write about it! However, here some ways to learn more:

1. I am giving a talk about SI at the People’s Food Market Co-op on Monday evening, May 5th, starting at 6:30 PM! RSVP if you want to attend! Visit my website for more details.

2.The Rolf Guild website provides a great one page summary of SI.

3.The Rolf Institute website provides information about Rolfing SI, too.  Also, hover your mouse over Rolfing SI in the menu on the left hand side.

4.If you would like me to speak at your company, for a group, etc., please, contact me to coordinate the details.

If you never experienced this 10-Series, then do it with me! When I did my 10-Series in 1996, it was life-changing to where I was about an inch and half taller and it corrected my walking and running gaits (which prevented me from breaking my right hip!), and I have maintained it even to today! Definitely read more about SI from the above links and how it could affect you. If you have questions or you would like to start your 10-Series now, please, call me soonest to schedule your Session #1 which frees your breath and allows your legs to move more freely from your pelvis. After this session, you will feel so grounded!

I will still continue to use my other specialties of traditional Thai massage, Neuromuscular Therapy (NMT), and the Rossiter System in my practice! These modalities are awesome for relaxation (especially Thai) and for getting/keeping the pain out of your body (especially NMT and Rossiter) and maintaining your naturally-aligned posture after receiving the 10-Series (especially Thai, NMT, and Rossiter). In some 10-Series sessions, I will even include these modalities (especially NMT and Rossiter).

I have new studio hours since I am still going to school to keep my massage-bodywork skills fresh! I have appointment availabilities on all days of the week except for Wednesdays and Thursdays. Visit my website for more details.

Copyright © 2007-2013 Michele Ruppert – All Rights Reserved
No part of this website may be reproduced without permission.

March 2008 – Health Tips E-Newsletter

Spring is finally in the air! Before we know it, it will be summer time! SO to help you get out of your winter frame of mind, I am available for therapeutic massage-bodywork appointments. My sessions can help stimulate your body’s natural healing processes, lessen chronic pain, increase circulation, improve your body posture, and much more! With any massage-bodywork sessions, afterwards you will feel better, calmer, and may be what you need to get your New Year’s resolutions started and/or even accomplished!

Since the holidays, I made several changes to my practice. My new business name is Michele Ruppert Therapeutic Massage-Bodywork. In Dec 2007, I completed my Associates Degree in Holistic Health, so now I am able to take appointments on weekends now. I still specialize in Thai Massage, Neuromuscular Therapy (NMT), and the Rossiter System. With Thai massage, it is very relaxing with gentle yogic stretching throughout the session. NMT and the Rossiter System are more intensive: NMT is to relieve pain by finding and releasing trigger points in specific areas of your body; the Rossiter System is to really STRETCH your connective tissue to release pain.

SO, I hope you will be able to make an appointment soon! Maybe you know some friends and family who may benefit from massage/bodywork? If you do, please forward them this email with my contact information. I have reasonable rates. My office is in the Ocean Beach/Point Loma area of San Diego, CA. I do offer gift certificates which make perfect presents for any time of the year.  Please, visit either of my website for additional information about my studio and my hours and specific details about massage-bodywork in general to include the types of massage-bodywork sessions I provide.

The most exciting update to my business is I am on a “speaker tour”! My goal is to get “the word” out there to the public about how massage and bodywork can make a tremendous difference in peoples’ lives. In March, I scheduled 2 free talks/demonstrations at the People’s Co-Op starting at 6:30 PM about Thai Massage (12 Mar) and NMT (19 Mar), and in April (9 Apr), I will do the same for the Rossiter System. I hope you can attend, but please, RSVP with me. If you know of other events where I can share this information, please, let me know.

My new logo is “be you, naturally…”. Another intention of my practice is to educate my clients and the public that you can really heal yourself naturally – by improving your diet, the way you think, and more.  Here are some resources that may interest you:

I’ve listened to some Bill Henderson’s audios on Internet Talk Radio, and I thought he was “right on”. The book and website resources he recommends are awesome. I am not familiar with the products the he talks about, but again the information he provides is “right on” and worth the listen and possibly you can implement in your life now.  Here’s Bill Henderson’s “Cancer Free” website, too.  This website, http://www.cancertutor.com/, looks very interesting as well.

Lastly, since late 2007 I have been using sheets from Earthed Technologies at home and in the studio. What a difference it has made in my life and the lives of my friends who are also using this product, too. We have been feeling more rested, building more muscle mass, feeling less pain, and more. I use this sheet personally and professionally and it seems to be making a difference, and maybe it can for you, too…

Copyright © 2007-2013 Michele Ruppert – All Rights Reserved
No part of this website may be reproduced without permission.