October 2008 – Health Tips E-Newsletter


Do you feel pain in a specific area that just won’t go away? Or do you feel pain all over and can’t figure the specific cause of your pain? Or are you considering drug therapy or surgery to get rid of pain? Feel like you need a really good STRETCH?! If you said “yes” to any of these questions, please, consider massage-bodywork therapies as a part of your healthcare plan. My practice primarily focuses on stretching contracted connective tissue (muscles, tendons, ligaments, etc.) and deactivating trigger points, which allows your body to release pain and to find its natural alignment so that you can move without feeling pain. I specialize in several modalities from gentle to intense. My website is very informative, so please visit to learn more about my services and massage-bodywork benefits and tips for before, during, and after your sessions.

I have a new website address that way easier to remember. It is http://www.MicheleRuppert.com/, so please make a note of it.

I am available to speak to your company or organization about general health and the benefits of massage-bodywork therapy. If your company is interested in establishing or maintaining a wellness department to provide pain and stress prevention to its employees for improved work performance, please, contact me.

As of last month, I have “taken a vacation” from working on my community project with the San Diego Veterans Administration (VA) to incorporate advanced therapeutic/medicinal massage-bodywork therapies as a holistic approach to pain and stress prevention in the government healthcare system for all military personnel and their dependents. See my website for the latest updates under “My Actions Taken” section. Now I am thinking about other possibilities to incorporate this idea into civilian and/or military healthcare systems.

Some of you haven’t used your gift certificates! Call to set up your appointment soon! Also, I have gift certificates available for any of the upcoming holidays and family and social events!  And, my practice depends on your referrals, so if you provide any referrals, I will give you a $10 discount off your next session.

If you have any questions about my services and would like to set up an appointment, please, contact me! I look forward to working with you at your next appointment!


“You are the creator of your experience.” –Abraham-Hicks


Does it feel like every time your turn-on the television, read the paper, or listen to the radio, it is practically all negative words, sounds, and situations? We all are being affected by these challenging times today. However, here are some ways to make your day more positive:

  1. Put a limit to reading and listening to bad news, i.e. designate a day for not watching TV or reading the paper. If you are worried about something that’s going on, conduct your own research, create your own solutions, and act on them. You’ll feel much better.
  2. Limit your interactions with people who feed on drama, negativity, and fear. Surround yourself with people who are optimistic, want to solve problems, and are hopeful. There are times you need to listen to people and their concerns. Make sure that these conversations are constructive.
  3. Fill your head and heart with empowering information and inspiration. Do things that make you happy. Read things that inspire you.
  4. Empower others do to well which will inspire you to do well in any challenge that they and you are facing.
  5. Use the power of your own thought. Think and imagine positive things happening and positive things will happen, if you don’t doubt it.


Here’s a perspective of how to think differently, more positively, about the US financial situation. This is even applicable to your life, too. Listen to the other videos on this webpage, too. Change, improve your well-being with positive information and thinking and complement it with a massage-bodywork session, too.

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No part of this website may be reproduced without permission.