February 2011 – Health-Massage-Bodywork Tips E-Newsletter

Health-Massage-Bodywork Tips

Almost 50% of the world’s population are affected by headaches, making it one of the ten most disabling global health complaints.  I’m sure there are more current references, but I believe the percentage of headaches is about the same or potentially higher these days…

There are many steps you can pursue to ensure you don’t get headaches anymore (or at least lessen them).  The Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine in San Diego, promotes a headache diary to help you identify/eliminate headache triggers using the acronym SHED Your Headache Triggers, which I modified/improved:

Example Strategies
  Stress & Tension Stress reduction exercises (breathing, meditation, yoga, guided imagery, biofeedback, physical activity, etc.)
  Stimuli (lights, sound, odors) Avoid strong odors, 2nd hand smoke, fluorescent light, staring at electronic devices, etc.  Have light/sound protection on hand, take breaks, etc.
  Sleep Dysfunction Schedule/prepare for sleep.  If your sleep is disrupted beyond your control, research/discuss treatment remedies.
  Hormones Get a blood test for possible areas of excess/deficiency.  Research/discuss treatment remedies.
  Habits Become aware/modify habits which maybe triggering headaches (stressful eating, missed meals, poor posture, being dehydrated, smoking, etc.)
  Exercise Attempt various exercises/settings which allow activity without promoting headaches.
  Environmental changes (weather, meal time, etc.) Plan ahead to minimize changes.  Research/discuss treatment remedies.
  Diet Utilize a diary to help identify/eliminate potential triggers.  Make sure you are drinking water!
  Deficiency Get a blood test for possible areas of excess/deficiency.  Research/discuss treatment remedies.
  Drugs Research/discuss which of your current medications maybe contributing to your headaches.  Make sure future treatment remedies don’t contribute to headaches.

The easiest remedy (but generally not given by doctors or even headache references online) is drinking water.  When you feel that headache coming-on more than likely you are dehydrated, so start drinking water.  Better yet, ensure you are drinking half your body weight in ounces of water daily for the rest of your life, and I would imagine the number of headaches you get will greatly decrease.

With my experience and education, headaches are many times influenced by “structure” (your posture).  If you are dehydrated and stressed, your body tissue contracts which causes discomfort.  Also, with many people slouched over and constantly staring at their electronic devices, it’s no wonder they are experiencing headaches and jaw, neck, shoulder, and back pain.  Therefore, sit properly (on your sit bones with crown (top) of head to the sky) and then use and look at those electronic devices!

Try not to reach for the pain reliever first, drink water and incorporate another natural pain relieving activity(s) (refer to the above chart or below resources) instead to become headache-free!


healthy-people1) How about ME or someone who specializes in connective tissue/myofascial tissue.  Visit my website or refer to the section below (Information about My Practice) for more information.

2) Visit other Holistic Health Practitioners.  Here are some ideas:

a) Acupuncturists who will attend to the meridians that affect headaches and other ailments.

b) Movement practitioners:  Structural Integration, Pilates, Yoga, Feldenkrais, Egoscue Method, etc.

c) Meditation/breathing practitioners: Transcendental Meditation, yoga, etc.

d) Nutritionists – to review your blood test results/food habits and provide recommendations.activekids

e) Naturopathic doctors – to review your blood test results/other protocols and provide recommendations.

3) Google headaches and/or the specific type of headache you experience.  There are oodles of headache websites, too, like Lifting The BurdenAmerican Academy of NeurologyAmerican Committee for Headache Education, etc.

Information about My Practice

Do you identify yourself by the discomfort you are feeling lately?

Are you dependent on pain medications or considering splints and other supportive devices (like canes, shoe inserts, etc.), shots (like cortisone, steroids, etc.), and surgery?

Are you tired of chronic pain, tingling, numbness, always getting injured, experiencing stress fractures, and lack of strength anywhere in your body?

Do you want improved movement, better range of motion, and restful sleep?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, I can help you with the connective tissue massage-bodywork therapies I use as a part of my practice.

My website is very informative, so please visit to learn more about my services, session prices, and my schedule along with massage-bodywork benefits and tips for before, during, and after your sessions.

I would like to partner with other health practitioners (orthopedic surgeons, dentists, naturopathic doctors, chiropractors, psychological counselors, athletic and life coaches, acupuncturists, movement instructors/practitioners), health facilities (gyms, exercise studios (karate, yoga, dance)), and small businesses in the city of San Diego.  My practice does complement these services to bring about more health and well-being to people.  If you have any recommendations, please connect us by sending them my e-newsletters and contact information, OR I would be happy to contact them directly!

I can provide demonstrations and classes about health and massage-bodywork to businesses and their employees.  Review My Calendar for the talks and health/wellness events I’ve completed in the past in the San Diego community.

If you have any questions about my services and would like to set up an appointment, please, call or email me.  I look forward to working with you at your next appointment!

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No part of this website may be reproduced without permission.