August 2008 – Health Tips E-Newsletter


My practice includes traditional Thai massage, Structural Integration, the Rossiter System, and Neuromuscular Therapy. My services will STRETCH your body like it has never been stretched before to release (the source) pain so that when your session is completed you will feel rejuvenated, more upright, and more in your natural expanded posture (and potentially look thinner!). So don’t be shy, give one (or more) of my sessions a try!

My website is very informative, so please visit them to learn more about my services, massage benefits and tips, my schedule and calendar, and more! Also, read about my community project on my website to introduce the idea of incorporating therapeutic/medicinal massage-bodywork therapy services as another holistic approach to pain and stress prevention in the government healthcare system for all military personnel and their dependents. I can use your help by spreading the word and supporting my project.

I am giving free evening talks/demos from July through September. This month’s talk/demo is about Traditional Thai Massage on Tuesday evening, August 12th, at People’s Co-Op starting at 6:15 PM. If you never experienced a traditional Thai massage, it is like having yoga done to you! Thai massages are a combination of acupressure, energy meridian work, and lots of stretching. A Thai massage is very gentle and stimulates your body’s nature healing process along with helping your body release pain and stresses stored within your tissues. After your session, you will feel like Gumby!

Don’t forget to use those gift certificates you bought or won! Who says you don’t have time to take care of yourself? So yes, I do have gift certificates, and they are perfect for any and every occasion that Hallmark and you create!

If you have any questions about my services, please, call me! I look forward to working with you at your next appointment – soon!


“The bottom line is that sugar upsets the body chemistry and suppresses the immune system. Once the immune system becomes suppressed, the door is open to infectious and degenerative diseases. The stronger the immune system the easier it is for the body to fight infectious and degenerative diseases. – Nancy Appleton


Hey, Sugar! How much do you really know about sugar? Having a diet with lots of unnatural, processed, and refined sugars is a contributor to disease. These sugars keep your body acidic which creates the feeding ground for pathologies to develop in your body. It is ideal to have a diet that is more alkaline, which means your diet should include mostly of vegetables and fruits … from the produce department and preferably organic. The Macrobiotics website has a page discussing the affects of sugar on the body and mind. Also, another video to watch is Sweet Misery (about artificial sweeteners). Hopefully, after reading and listening to these resources, you will consider changing your diet to healthier alternatives…


There are so many books and websites to read about sugar, but here are some starter books: Not only does Nancy Appleton have some interesting books to read about sugar (see the quote above), but another EXCELLENT book about sugar is Sugar Blues by William Duffy.

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