January 2011 – Health-Massage-Bodywork Tips E-Newsletter

Health-Massage-Bodywork Tips

Here’s another resource for your health program…

There are many “natural ways” to stay healthy from drinking water, proper diet, enough rest, nurturing relationships, exercising daily, receiving routine massage-bodywork sessions, etc.

Although from listening to my clients, there are situations when 1) People are not able to receive massage or 2) People want to complement their massage sessions with exercises to keep pain/discomfort away.

Well, you are in luck!  Consider trying the Egoscue Method.  Pete Egoscue created numerous gentle exercises and stretches (called E-cises) to help people eliminate chronic pain without drugs and surgeries.  He is using the same principles of the connective tissue community (like me, but I use massage techniques), but he’s advocating doing a daily exercise program instead.

Like everything else you do to improve and change yourself, the Egoscue Method is a system of exercises and stretches to eliminate chronic pain.  Just like athletes completing daily workouts to do well in competition, it’s ideal to complete the exercises daily so that you feel better.

Initially, you will work with an Egoscue practitioner, who will complete a physical assessment of you.  Then, the Egoscue practitioner will recommend a menu of exercises that you do a daily basis on your own time.  You will check-in with your Egoscue practitioner on a weekly basis.  The duration of your Egoscue program varies based on what you want from the program.  You can work with your Egoscue practitioner through Skype too, if you are not able to be there physically at their clinic.

Personally, I know several friends that who did the Egoscue Method and avoided back and knee surgeries.  I know other people who complement the Egoscue Method with their massage and exercise programs.

It’s up to you to decide what would work for you!


Egoscue book


1) Read Pain Free by Pete Egoscue.

2) Visit the Egoscue website for more information and to find an Egoscue clinic near you.

3) In San Diego, you can attend a free Pain-Free Workshop on the 2nd Saturday of each month, from 9-11 AM.  To RSVP or for more details, call 619-294-3259 or email sdsouth@egoscue.com.


Information about My Practice

Do you identify yourself by the discomfort you are feeling lately?

Are you dependent on pain medications or considering splints and other supportive devices (like canes, shoe inserts, etc.), shots (like cortisone, steroids, etc.), and surgery?

Are you tired of chronic pain, tingling, numbness, always getting injured, experiencing stress fractures, and lack of strength anywhere in your body?

Do you want improved movement, better range of motion, and restful sleep?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, I can help you with the connective tissue massage-bodywork therapies I use as a part of my practice.

My website is very informative, so please visit to learn more about my services, session prices, and my schedule along with massage-bodywork benefits and tips for before, during, and after your sessions.

I would like to partner with other health practitioners (orthopedic surgeons, dentists, doctors, chiropractors, counselors/therapists, coaches), health facilities (gyms, exercise studios (karate, yoga, dance)), and small businesses in the city of San Diego.  My practice does complement these services to bring about more health and well-being to people.  If you have any recommendations, please connect us by sending them my e-newsletters and contact information, OR I would be happy to contact them directly!

I can provide demonstrations and classes about health and massage-bodywork to businesses and their employees.  Review My Calendar for the talks and health/wellness events I’ve completed in the past in the San Diego community.

If you have any questions about my services and would like to set up an appointment, please, call or email me.  I look forward to working with you at your next appointment!

Copyright © 2007-2013 Michele Ruppert – All Rights Reserved
No part of this website may be reproduced without permission.

December 2010 – Health-Massage-Bodywork Tips E-Newsletter

Health-Massage-Bodywork Tips

Here’s a short informative “Proper Posture” video made in 1947 to watch.  Nothing new here!

People usually relate pain to accidents or some type of physical or emotional trauma.  However, research and textbooks note that any type of discomfort originates from any combination of factors listed in the 1st column.  The factors in the 1st column, when not resolved, lead to factors in the 2nd column, which further contributes to pain.

Dehydration Postural distortions
Improper diet Nerve impingement
Emotional tensions/drama Muscle tension, Muscle lesions, etc.
Misuse of body/Improper movements Inflammation, Edema, etc.
Overused/Repetitive movements More stressful lifestyles
Fatigue/Not getting enough rest Functional disability
Medications Restricted joint movement
Constant use of hot water Using devices – shoe inserts, canes, etc.

I’m not chasing you away, but in reality you can really heal yourself.  When you become ultra-aware of how you tick, you will know what you need to do to address any discomfort you feel.

Sometimes you can’t do all by yourself.  In our world of abundance, there are oodles of “things out there” that/who can help you.  As with everything else in life, it’s your journey to figure out what combination of “stuff” that will work for you.

Here’s where I come in.  My business motto is “be you, naturally…”.  The intention of my practice is to help facilitate clients out of pain and discomfort they are experiencing.  From my experience in my own “pain” journey, my schooling, and working with clients, addressing pain-discomfort related issues requires a partnership between you and me.

If a person comes in and requests a relaxation session, I tend to do traditional Thai massage and/or energy work.  Generally, I do all the work in the session, while the client rests and goes within to reset his/her own internal healing system.

If a person comes in and requests a session to address pain/discomfort conditions, I tend to actively work with the client by using a mixture of gentle (Thai massage like) to intense (Structural Integration, Rossiter, Neuromuscular like) techniques.  See my website for more information about these modalities.  This is an open, active partnership where we are both communicating throughout the session.  I request clients to do certain movements throughout the session that 1) will stimulate the little muscles to wake-up while I’m working on the big muscles to the “chill out”, that 2) will release contracted muscles, and more.

As Ida Rolf used to say, “We are looking for a way to evoke human potential…to established greater physical and mental vitality.”  I endeavor to do this by designing sessions to get you back to human design and offering natural ways to help to find your natural, healthy well-being.  More importantly, these sessions must be combined with drinking water daily, exercising daily, moving properly, getting adequate rest, eating nutritious foods, having a positive emotional/mental perspective, creating new healthy habits, and more.

It’s really up to you – how much do you want to do to feel “grrreat”?

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


BiologyOfBeliefChanging how you think can change how you feel and potentially heal yourself.  A must read!  Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton.BodyMind

BodyMind by Ken Dychtwald (last book listed on web page) – An interesting book about whether the body posture creates your emotional being OR is it emotions that sets your posture.  Hmm.

Gift certificates – I have them if you need more stocking stuffers and gifts for the holidays!

Information about My Practice

A new testimonial:  “Michele was a breath of fresh air.  I was expecting a traditional massage and was pleasantly surprised with her technique.  A definite thumbs up!!!”
-Bryan Koot, Driver

Do you identify yourself by the discomfort you are feeling lately?

Are you dependent on pain medications or considering splints and other supportive devices (like canes, shoe inserts, etc.), shots (like cortisone, steroids, etc.), and surgery?

Are you tired of chronic pain, tingling, numbness, always getting injured, experiencing stress fractures, and lack of strength anywhere in your body?

Do you want improved movement, better range of motion, and restful sleep?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, I can help you with the connective tissue massage-bodywork therapies I use as a part of my practice.

My website is very informative, so please visit to learn more about my services, session prices, and my schedule along with massage-bodywork benefits and tips for before, during, and after your sessions.

I would like to partner with other health practitioners (orthopedic surgeons, dentists, doctors, chiropractors, counselors/therapists, coaches), health facilities (gyms, exercise studios (karate, yoga, dance)), and small businesses in the city of San Diego.  My practice does complement these services to bring about more health and well-being to people.  If you have any recommendations, please connect us by sending them my e-newsletters and contact information, OR I would be happy to contact them directly!

I can provide demonstrations and classes about health and massage-bodywork to businesses and their employees.  Review My Calendar for the talks and health/wellness events I’ve completed in the past in the San Diego community.

If you have any questions about my services and would like to set up an appointment, please, call or email me.  I look forward to working with you at your next appointment!

Copyright © 2007-2013 Michele Ruppert – All Rights Reserved
No part of this website may be reproduced without permission.

November 2010 – Health-Massage-Bodywork Tips E-Newsletter

Health-Massage-Bodywork Tips

If you want to feel physically and emotionally fabulous all the time, then optimize your own human design.  The cheapest and easiest activity you can do to support your health, your human design, a daily gift to yourself, is to drink water.

The human body is ~75% water.  Our brain is said to be ~85% water.  Yet, most people intake mostly everything else but water.  Water is water.  There is no substitute.  Your body is not made up of beer, wine, fruit juices, coffee, tea, etc.  It is water that maintains your organs, i.e. skin, brain, kidneys, liver, stomach, intestines, connective tissue, and more.  Water transports energy (sugars), wastes, hormones, and other natural pharmaceuticals throughout your body.

Why deprive your body of water?  Dr. Batmanghelidj’s, known as Dr. Water, books discuss “the physiological ramifications and metabolic complications of chronic unintentional dehydration as a primary cause of many serious diseases.”  According to Dr. Water, “modern medicine has confused internal, localized droughts and treats them as disease”.

It is recommended to drink minimally half your body weight in ounces of water daily.  By doing this you can prevent, eliminate, or lessen the symptoms of:

The Flu, Colds
Food Addictions/Carvings
Brain Fog
Sleep Disorders
Every type of (organ & body/muscle) pain
Weight gain (probably lose excess weight, too)
Vomiting (from the flu, bulimia, morning sickness, too much alcohol, etc.)
Most common diseases today from obesity, “bad” cholesterol, osteoporosis, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, cancer, and much more…

If you are not feeling well, start drinking water.  Work-up to drinking half your body weight in ounces within 2 weeks.  Complete your daily water intake by 6PM or within 4-6 hours before going to bed.  Once you maintained this habit for at least 2 weeks, see how your body feels.  You will probably be surprised and how much better you feel.

The biggest complaint I get is “I have to go to the bathroom more!”  Well, yes, it’s called human design.  Drink more, pee more; eat more, pooh more – it’s human design to take food/drink in, process it, and eliminate what’s not needed.

Be happy that you can take a break and relieve yourself of toxins and wastes verses storing it in your body.

Happy Holidays!




1)  Pictured here is one of my favorite books by Dr. Water, along with “Your Body’s Many Cries for Water.  Easy reads.  His website is informative, too.

2)  I have gift certificates if you are in a pinch for ideas for presents for your family and friends!

For All Military

salute-to-us-flag_fullAcupuncture and chiropractic services are now provided at the San Diego military healthcare facilities and “outside” of the military healthcare system.  Work within their guidelines/procedures in order to receive these services in the local community.

Be daring and ask your military healthcare provider about seeing a massage-bodywork practitioner in your area if you are experiencing chronic pain, considering or recovering from surgery, healing from injury, or wanting to add another harmonizing therapy to improve your current health situation (a great complement to yoga, talk therapy, etc.).

Currently, the military healthcare system has not recognized massage-bodywork services as a healing therapy.  Share with your military healthcare providers the benefits you received from massage-bodywork therapies.  And, hopefully, eventually, massage-bodywork therapies will be incorporated into the healthcare system and hospitals like acupuncture and chiropractic services.

I have reasonable session rates for active duty, retired, veteran, and government personnel.

Information about My Practice

Do you identify yourself by the discomfort you are feeling lately?

Are you dependent on pain medications or considering splints and other supportive devices (like canes, shoe inserts, etc.), shots (like cortisone, steroids, etc.), and surgery?

Are you tired of chronic pain, tingling, numbness, always getting injured and experiencing stress fractures and lack of grip in your hands?

Do you want improved movement, better range of motion, and restful sleep?

If so, I can help you with the connective tissue massage-bodywork therapies I use as a part of my practice.

My website is very informative, so please visit to learn more about my services, session prices, and my schedule along with massage-bodywork benefits and tips for before, during, and after your sessions.

I would like to partner with other health practitioners (orthopedic surgeons, dentists, doctors, chiropractors, counselors/therapists, coaches), health facilities (gyms, exercise studios (karate, yoga, dance)), and small businesses in the city of San Diego.  My practice does complement these services to bring about more health and well-being to people.  If you have any recommendations, please connect us by sending them my e-newsletters and contact information, OR I would be happy to contact them directly!

I can provide demonstrations and classes about health and massage-bodywork to businesses and their employees.  Review My Calendar for the talks and health/wellness events I’ve completed in the past in the San Diego community.

If you have any questions about my services and would like to set up an appointment, please, call or email me.  I look forward to working with you at your next appointment!

Copyright © 2007-2013 Michele Ruppert – All Rights Reserved
No part of this website may be reproduced without permission.

October 2010 – Health-Massage-Bodywork Tips E-Newsletter

Health-Massage-Bodywork Tips

To me, October is the start of the holiday season.  Did you know Halloween is the second most commercially successful holiday (more money spent) with Christmas coming in first place (of course!)?

As we approach the “holidaze” season, consider having a mindset of having fun and being playful.  It will make your holidays much more joyful and happy.  Being in your natural, playful spirit shows who you really are.  When we play, we are at ease in our world and willing to extend that ease to others.  And that can make us more energized, more generous, more useful.

When you are in the throes of anxiety, irritation, or victim-hood  you can’t be playful or have fun.  You can’t do your favorite activities and provide your best talents to your family, the community, or your job.

Here are some ideas to find the fun and playfulness in you:
Drinking water and getting hydrated AND….
Losing yourself in activities that you love to do!
Turning off the TV, radio, phones, and computers for awhile.
Reading and listening to positive information.
Meditating.  Sitting and laying down quietly.
Taking a walk bare-footed at the beach.
Taking a hike in nature.
Receiving a massage!

When the Dalai Lama said ‘Be happy and useful‘, I’m sure he had something like playfulness in mind, since he is so playful himself.

Happy Halloween!


ringingcedarsI heard about the Ringing Cedars series several years ago.  I finally started the series this month.  A very fascinating read.

Many people have found these books to be life-changing!  Read more for yourself!

For All Military

salute-to-us-flag_fullAcupuncture and chiropractic services are now provided at the San Diego military healthcare facilities and “outside” of the military healthcare system.  Work within their guidelines/procedures in order to receive these services in the local community.

Be daring and ask your military healthcare provider about seeing a massage-bodywork practitioner in your area if you are experiencing chronic pain, considering or recovering from surgery, healing from injury, or wanting to add another harmonizing therapy to improve your current health situation (a great complement to yoga, talk therapy, etc.).

Currently, the military healthcare system has not recognized massage-bodywork services as a healing therapy.  Share with your military healthcare providers the benefits you received from massage-bodywork therapies.  And, hopefully, eventually, massage-bodywork therapies will be incorporated into the healthcare system and hospitals like acupuncture and chiropractic services.

I have reasonable session rates for active duty, retired, veteran, and government personnel.

Information about My Practice

Do you identify yourself by the discomfort you are feeling lately?

Are you dependent on pain medications or considering splints and other supportive devices (like canes, shoe inserts, etc.), shots (like cortisone, steroids, etc.), and surgery?

Are you tired of chronic pain, tingling, numbness, always getting injured and experiencing stress fractures and lack of grip in your hands?

Do you want improved movement, better range of motion, and restful sleep?

If so, I can help you with the connective tissue massage-bodywork therapies I use as a part of my practice.

My website is very informative, so please visit to learn more about my services, session prices, and my schedule along with massage-bodywork benefits and tips for before, during, and after your sessions.

I would like to partner with other health practitioners (orthopedic surgeons, dentists, doctors, chiropractors, counselors/therapists, coaches), health facilities (gyms, exercise studios (karate, yoga, dance)), and small businesses in the city of San Diego.  My practice does complement these services to bring about more health and well-being to people.  If you have any recommendations, please connect us by sending them my e-newsletters and contact information, OR I would be happy to contact them directly!

I can provide demonstrations and classes about health and massage-bodywork to businesses and their employees.  Review My Calendar for the talks and health/wellness events I’ve completed in the past in the San Diego community.

If you have any questions about my services and would like to set up an appointment, please, call or email me.  I look forward to working with you at your next appointment!

Copyright © 2007-2013 Michele Ruppert – All Rights Reserved
No part of this website may be reproduced without permission.

September 2010 – Health-Massage-Bodywork Tips E-Newsletter

Health-Massage-Bodywork Tips

Quarterly, I receive a publication that is written for people who love receiving massages and bodywork and people who are considering it.  The Autumn/Winter 2010 Body Sense issue is now available for YOU to enjoy!

I personally enjoy Body Sense, because the articles are short and informative.  Instead of “hearing it” from me, you can benefit from other holistic health writers and clients, and how they are integrating holistic health and massage-bodywork into their healthy lifestyle.

Here’s a listing of article titles for this issue of Body Sense:

Massage Therapy: Your Wellness Strategy
A Conversation with Dr. Andrew Weil
“Mommy, Draw Stars on my Tummy”
Craniosacral Therapy
Hydrotherapy at Home
Body Image
To the Heart of the Matter
Your Wellness Checklist
And much more…

I hope you take pleasure in reading Body Sense as much as I do!

Upcoming Event

militaryCome visit my booth at the Female Veterans, Active Duty, Reservist
Health and Wellness Fair (family members & spouses welcome)

Saturday October 2, 2010, 10:00am-5:00pm
Veterans Museum and Memorial Center
2115 Park Boulevard San Diego, 92101

Please join us for this FREE event!
Experience the benefits of maintaining Health and Wellness!

woman1Workshops and Information include: Massage-Bodywork, Self-Defense, Meditation, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Domestic Violence, and much more…

Door Prizes, Drawings, and Food/Drinks provided.

This event is brought to you by the San Diego Family Justice Center Military Liaison Program and is sponsored through a grant from the San Diego Domestic Violence Council and the Waitt Foundation.

For All Military

salute-to-us-flag_fullAcupuncture and chiropractic services are now provided at the San Diego military healthcare facilities and “outside” of the military healthcare system.  Work within their guidelines/procedures in order to receive these services in the local community.

Be daring and ask your military healthcare provider about seeing a massage-bodywork practitioner in your area if you are experiencing chronic pain, considering or recovering from surgery, healing from injury, or wanting to add another harmonizing therapy to improve your current health situation (a great complement to yoga, talk therapy, etc.).

Currently, the military healthcare system has not recognized massage-bodywork services as a healing therapy.  Share with your military healthcare providers the benefits you received from massage-bodywork therapies.  And, hopefully, eventually, massage-bodywork therapies will be incorporated into the healthcare system and hospitals like acupuncture and chiropractic services.

I have reasonable session rates for active duty, retired, veteran, and government personnel.

Information about My Practice

Do you identify yourself by the pain you are constantly feeling?

Are you dependent on pain medications or considering splints and other supportive devices (like canes, shoe inserts, etc.), pain shots (like cortisone, steroids, etc.), and surgery?

Are you tired of chronic pain, tingling, numbness, always getting injured and experiencing stress fractures and lack of grip in your hands?

Do you want improved movement, better range of motion, and restful sleep?

If so, consider connective tissue therapies to help you and in a natural, organic way that’s unique to you!

My website is very informative, so please visit to learn more about my services, session prices, and my schedule along with massage-bodywork benefits and tips for before, during, and after your sessions.

I would like to partner with other health practitioners (orthopedic surgeons, dentists, doctors, chiropractors, counselors/therapists, coaches), health facilities (gyms, exercise studios (karate, yoga, dance)), and small businesses in the city of San Diego.  My practice does complement these services to bring about more health and well-being to people.  If you have any recommendations, please connect us by sending them my e-newsletters and contact information, OR I would be happy to contact them directly!

I can provide demonstrations and classes about health and massage-bodywork to businesses and their employees.  Review My Calendar for the talks and health/wellness events I’ve completed in the past in the San Diego community.

If you have any questions about my services and would like to set up an appointment, please, call or email me.  I look forward to working with you at your next appointment!

Copyright © 2007-2013 Michele Ruppert – All Rights Reserved
No part of this website may be reproduced without permission.

August 2010 – Health-Massage-Bodywork Tips E-Newsletter

Health-Massage-Bodywork Tips

The Rossiter System
I spent a week with Richard Rossiter recently to hone my Rossiter System techniques! Even though I do this work in my practice often, I have more, precise techniques and postures to help you to improve your quality of life and increase your agility and mobility by releasing chronic pain.

The Rossiter System is an intense form of connective tissue stretching. For you to receive maximum benefits, you must be ready (emotionally and physically) to eliminate pain from your body. You must do the locks correctly. You must go just beyond the “delicious discomfort” zone for up to 20 seconds for up to 3 repetitions and for up to 3 different stretches.

The Rossiter System techniques, by itself, or used within the Structural Integration system systematically addresses your body to help you find your own organic, natural alignment. When you are in your natural alignment, you are free of pain and you move with grace and freedom. If you are ignoring pain, taking pain medications, and are deciding whether to get surgery (like knee, hip, back, carpal tunnel, etc.) surgeries, bodywork addressing the connective tissue can help alleviate pain and provide you a feeling of being light and free in your body.

These intense stretching techniques can be used on most all people ready to do the work! It allows for immediate and long-term relief of soft tissue injuries and chronic structural pain.

Resources of the Month

rossiterMy website has 2 articles (scroll to bottom of webpage) about the Rossiter System. Read them to learn more about how these techniques can help you!

For All Military

salute-to-us-flag_fullAcupuncture and chiropractic services are now provided at the San Diego military healthcare facilities and “outside” of the military healthcare system. Work within their guidelines/procedures in order to receive these services in the local community.

Be daring and ask your military healthcare provider about seeing a massage-bodywork practitioner in your area if you are experiencing chronic pain, considering or recovering from surgery, healing from injury, or wanting to add another harmonizing therapy to improve your current health situation (a great complement to yoga, talk therapy, etc.).

Currently, the military healthcare system has not recognized massage-bodywork services as a healing therapy. Share with your military healthcare providers the benefits you received from massage-bodywork therapies. And, hopefully, eventually, massage-bodywork therapies will be incorporated into the healthcare system and hospitals like acupuncture and chiropractic services.

I have reasonable session rates for active duty, retired, veteran, and government personnel.

Information about My Practice

Do you identify yourself by the pain you are constantly feeling? Is your doctor wanting you to take pain pills and even having you consider surgery? If so, consider connective tissue massage-bodywork therapies to help you lessen pain and avoid unnecessary surgery.

My website is very informative, so please visit to learn more about my services, session prices, and my schedule along with massage-bodywork benefits and tips for before, during, and after your sessions.

I would like to partner with other health practitioners (orthopedic surgeons, dentists, doctors, chiropractors, counselors/therapists, coaches), health facilities (gyms, exercise studios (karate, yoga, dance)), and small businesses in the city of San Diego. My practice does complement these services to bring about more health and well-being to people. If you have any recommendations, please connect us by sending them my e-newsletters and contact information, OR I would be happy to contact them directly!

I can provide demonstrations and classes about health and massage-bodywork to businesses and their employees. Review My Calendar for the talks and health/wellness events I’ve completed in the past in the San Diego community.

If you have any questions about my services and would like to set up an appointment, please, call or email me. I look forward to working with you at your next appointment!

Copyright © 2007-2013 Michele Ruppert – All Rights Reserved
No part of this website may be reproduced without permission.

July 2010 – Health-Massage-Bodywork Tips E-Newsletter

Health-Massage-Bodywork Tips

Chemicals, Clothes, or Shade?
Whenever I go hiking, biking, or running, people are always asking me if I’m hot, because I wear long-sleeve shirts and long tights/pants, sometimes gloves, and a hat that covers my shoulders and sides of my face. Why? I wear these clothes to protect me from the sun, especially when I’m outside for most of the day. I do it to avoid putting sunscreen directly on my skin.

Sunscreen lotions and any other toiletries (soaps, shampoos, conditioners, make-up, perfumes, deodorants, lip balms, etc.) makes the skin (the largest organ) and other organs process chemicals within these products. I’m giving my body a break from processing more chemicals by not slathering on layers of sunscreen (and other skin products) and clogging up my pores. Plus, do you have any idea what’s in the sunscreen lotions you use? Visit my Resources of the Month below and find out about potentially hazardous ingredients in sunscreen products.

Other ideas: Consider doing your outdoor activities in the morning or late afternoons when the sun is not so intense. Explore sun protective clothing with moisture-wicking fabric. Wear a hat and/or gloves.

Resources of the Month

sunSun protection resources:

1) Environmental Working Group’s 2010 Sunscreen Guide.

2) Google “sun protective clothing” and “moisture-wicking fabric”. These clothes can be found at sports and outdoor gear stores.

For All Military

salute-to-us-flag_fullAcupuncture and chiropractic services are now provided at the San Diego military healthcare facilities and “outside” of the military healthcare system. Work within their guidelines/procedures in order to receive these services in the local community.

Be daring and ask your military healthcare provider about seeing a massage-bodywork practitioner in your area if you are experiencing chronic pain, considering or recovering from surgery, healing from injury, or wanting to add another harmonizing therapy to improve your current health situation (a great complement to yoga, talk therapy, etc.).

Currently, the military healthcare system has not recognized massage-bodywork services as a healing therapy. Share with your military healthcare providers the benefits you received from massage-bodywork therapies. And, hopefully, eventually, massage-bodywork therapies will be incorporated into the healthcare system and hospitals like acupuncture and chiropractic services.

I have reasonable session rates for active duty, retired, veteran, and government personnel.

Information about My Practice

Do you identify yourself by the pain you are constantly feeling? Is your doctor wanting you to take pain pills and even having you consider surgery? If so, consider therapeutic, medicinal massage-bodywork therapies to help you lessen pain and avoid unnecessary surgery.

My website is very informative, so please visit to learn more about my services, session prices, and my schedule along with massage-bodywork benefits and tips for before, during, and after your sessions.

I would like to partner with other health practitioners (orthopedic surgeons, dentists, doctors, chiropractors, counselors/therapists, coaches), health facilities (gyms, exercise studios (karate, yoga, dance)), and small businesses in the city of San Diego. My practice does complement these services to bring about more health and well-being to people. If you have any recommendations, please connect us by sending them my e-newsletters and contact information, OR I would be happy to contact them directly!

I can provide demonstrations and classes about health and massage-bodywork to businesses and their employees. Review My Calendar for what talks I’ve completed in the past in the San Diego community.

If you have any questions about my services and would like to set up an appointment, please, call or email me. I look forward to working with you at your next appointment!

Copyright © 2007-2013 Michele Ruppert – All Rights Reserved
No part of this website may be reproduced without permission.

June 2010 – Health-Massage-Bodywork Tips E-Newsletter

Health-Massage-Bodywork Tips

I now have a YouTube Channel to keep you informed about my practice, health-massage-bodywork tips, and more. Here’s a video introduction to what I do.

Marisa’s Video Testimonial
I have many written testimonials on my website, but now I have my first video testimonial that you can see! Here’s one of my clients, Marisa, who has received Structural Integration, Rossiter System Workout, and Thai massage sessions, and her video testimonial about me!

Muscle Cramps – OUCH! What you can do to get rid of them!
Lately, I have been listening to people who are suffering from lower leg cramps. The most common factors to leg cramps are dehydration, electrolyte imbalances, muscle fatigue, not enough exercise, and reactions to side effects from prescribed drugs.

Here are some ideas for you to explore in your path to wellness:

1) Drink MINIMALLY ½ your body weight in ounces of water DAILY for the rest of your life.

2) If you are drinking the minimal amount of water, but still getting cramps, maybe you are not getting enough electrolytes and minerals. You can your electrolytes and minerals by:

a) Soaking in a warm Epson Salts bath or walking/swimming in the ocean since electrolytes are absorbed through your skin.

b) Adding electrolytes to your daily water consumption.

c) Taking necessary vitamin and/or mineral supplements.

3) Sometimes muscles become “hard” and “stuck to the bone”. This means there is not enough nutrition (blood, water, salts, minerals) passing through the tissues. This can be caused by the lack of exercise, too much exercise, not enough stretching, poor nutrition, lack of rest, and lack of balance and alignment in the body. Some recommendations are as follows:

a) Visit your massage-bodywork practitioner.

b) Stretch regularly especially before and after exercise.

c) Exercise minimally once a day, drink water, get plenty of rest, and have a balanced, nutritious diet.

As with all these recommendations, do your own research and find what works best for you! Don’t do these recommendations all at once. Try one thing first for two weeks to a month and see if you feel a difference. Then, decide what to do next for your health and wellness program.

Resources of the Month

movement1) For water: WaterCure (why water is GREAT for you) and a hydration calculator (to calculate the amount of water that’s ideal for you).

2) For minerals: Epson Salts Council (why/how Epsom Salt works), Emergen-C Lite (electrolyte product), Alive (electrolyte product).

3) To relax muscles: Consider a dense foam roller from any athletic store or website.Google and YouTube “foam rollers” and “foam roller exercises”.

4) You can always set-up an appointment with ME to loosen-up your tight muscles!

As with all these resources, do your own research and find what products work for you!

For All Military

salute-to-us-flag_fullAcupuncture and chiropractic services are now provided at the San Diego military healthcare facilities and “outside” of the military healthcare system. Work within their guidelines/procedures in order to receive these services in the local community.

Be daring and ask your military healthcare provider about seeing a massage-bodywork practitioner in your area if you are experiencing chronic pain, considering or recovering from surgery, healing from injury, or wanting to add another harmonizing therapy to improve your current health situation (a great complement to yoga, talk therapy, etc.).

Currently, the military healthcare system has not recognized massage-bodywork services as a healing therapy. Share with your military healthcare providers the benefits you received from massage-bodywork therapies. And, hopefully, eventually, massage-bodywork therapies will be incorporated into the healthcare system and hospitals like acupuncture and chiropractic services.

I have reasonable session rates for active duty, retired, veteran, and government personnel.

Information about My Practice

Do you identify yourself by the pain you are constantly feeling? Is your doctor wanting you to take pain pills and even having you consider surgery? If so, consider therapeutic, medicinal massage-bodywork therapies to help you lessen pain and avoid unnecessary surgery.

My website is very informative, so please visit to learn more about my services, session prices, and my schedule along with massage-bodywork benefits and tips for before, during, and after your sessions.

I would like to partner with other health practitioners (orthopedic surgeons, dentists, doctors, chiropractors, counselors/therapists, coaches), health facilities (gyms, exercise studios (karate, yoga, dance)), and small businesses in the city of San Diego. My practice does complement these services to bring about more health and well-being to people. If you have any recommendations, please connect us by sending them my e-newsletters and contact information, OR I would be happy to contact them directly!

I can provide demonstrations and classes about health and massage-bodywork to businesses and their employees. Review My Calendar for what talks I’ve completed in the past in the San Diego community.

If you have any questions about my services and would like to set up an appointment, please, call or email me. I look forward to working with you at your next appointment!

Copyright © 2007-2013 Michele Ruppert – All Rights Reserved
No part of this website may be reproduced without permission.

May 2010 – Health-Massage-Bodywork Tips E-Newsletter

Health-Massage-Bodywork Tips

Say what?!
Intuitively we know fast foods are generally not good for us. Studies have reported increased risks of developing cancer when eating well-done, fried, and barbeque foods. Hence, what is the intention of this new partnership between Kentucky Fried Chicken and Susan G. Komen for the Cure?

Do you actually believe these profit-seeking organizations really want you to be healthy and vibrant? As for Komen for Cure foundation, it again proves that they are oblivious to the role of diet in cancer prevention. Kentucky Fried Chicken is looking for avenues to “look good” from all its bad publicity in the recent past from the unhealthiness of its food to the cruelty of animals that they serve at their restaurants.

Activism for what you believe is right…
Lately, I have not been donating monies for foundations researching “the cure” for the common diseases of today. As more drugs and surgeries are being created and given to patients to minimize the effects of diseases (verses educating on the causes of diseases), more diseases are being formed along with more fundraising foundations. It seems like a vicious profit-making cycle.

I believe the cure is already available now that addresses the causes of diseases, and they are at your fingertips: Drinking minimally half your bodyweight in ounces of water daily. Eating nutritious foods. Getting plenty of rest. Exercise. Having positive communications and relationships with colleagues at work, friends, and family. Minimizing stress.

There are oodles of resources on the internet and at your library to help you get to and maintain your optimal (body-mind-spirit) health instead of supporting organizations and your “healthcare” physicians who want you sick.

Think about where, how, and on what items you are spending your money. Does it make you feel good? When you spend your money, you are “voting” and deciding on what is good for you and your community.

Resources of the Month

kids-ballHere’s a starter kit of resources to help you on your journey to optimal health:

1) The China Study – life saving nutritional information.

2) The Miracles of Water to Cure Diseases

3) Positive Energy by Judith Orloff – Prescriptions to increasing energy, relieving fatigue, and finding inner peace.

For All Military

salute-to-us-flag_fullAcupuncture and chiropractic services are now provided at the San Diego military healthcare facilities and “outside” of the military healthcare system. Work within their guidelines/procedures in order to receive these services in the local community.

Be daring and ask your military healthcare provider about seeing a massage-bodywork practitioner in your area if you are experiencing chronic pain, considering or recovering from surgery, healing from injury, or wanting to add another harmonizing therapy to improve your current health situation (a great complement to yoga, talk therapy, etc.).

Currently, the military healthcare system does not recognized massage-bodywork services as a healing therapy. Share with your military healthcare providers the benefits you received from massage-bodywork therapies, and hopefully, eventually, massage-bodywork therapies will be incorporated into the healthcare system and hospitals like acupuncture and chiropractic services.

I have reasonable session rates for active duty, retired, veteran, and government personnel.

Information about My Practice

Do you identify yourself by the pain you are constantly feeling? Is your doctor wanting you to take pain pills and even having you consider surgery? If so, consider therapeutic, medicinal massage-bodywork therapies to help you get rid of pain and avoid unnecessary surgery!

My website is very informative, so please visit to learn more about my services, session prices, and my schedule along with massage-bodywork benefits and tips for before, during, and after your sessions.

I would like to partner with other health practitioners (orthopedic surgeons, dentists, doctors, chiropractors, counselors/therapists, coaches), health facilities (gyms, exercise studios (karate, yoga, dance)), and small businesses in the city of San Diego. My practice does complement these services to bring about more health and well-being to people. If you have any recommendations, please connect us by sending them my e-newsletters and contact information, OR I would be happy to contact them directly!

I can provide demonstrations and classes about health and massage-bodywork to businesses and its employees. Review My Calendar for what talks I’ve completed in the past in the San Diego community.

If you have any questions about my services and would like to set up an appointment, please, call or email me. I look forward to working with you at your next appointment!

Copyright © 2007-2013 Michele Ruppert – All Rights Reserved
No part of this website may be reproduced without permission.

April 2010 – Health-Massage-Bodywork Tips E-Newsletter

Health-Massage-Bodywork Tips

Should I use ice or heat for injuries?
This has been a popular question this month. Therefore, I thought I would provide some clarification of when to use ice and heat. What is listed below is what is typically prescribed when injuries occur. However, use your instinct as to what you think is best for you. As always, be sure you are drinking, at least, half your body weight in ounces, daily. Drinking water alleviates pain, prevents injuries, and more!

When to use ice?
Ice is used when there is swelling and inflammation to control pain. Here are situations to use ice:

1) If you are injured within the past 48 hours, like muscle or joint strains and sprains.

2) If you exercise for extended periods of time (over an hour or more). This would apply to people training for races and who exercise for long durations (long hikes, bike rides, etc.).

3) If you haven’t exercised in awhile, then do a sudden burst of exercise like “you did back in the day” and are suddenly sore within 12-24 hours after the “exercise” event. This situation can include doing too much all at once; for example, getting on a roll and cleaning out the garage in one day or doing anything strenuous and you are “so sore” from doing the activity.

4) If you experience pain from a chronic condition, always ice AFTER the activity, NEVER before! A chronic condition refers to any overuse syndromes, repetitive strain injury, or cumulative trauma disorder. When to use ice:

a. If you have a condition that ends in “-itis”, like bursitis, tendonitis, etc.

b. If you been diagnosed with a syndrome, like carpal/tarsal tunnel syndrome.

c. If you have shin splints, stress fractures, and golfer/tennis elbow.

When to use heat?
Heat should be used on chronic conditions BEFORE participating in activities (see section 4) above). Heat helps relax and loosen connective tissue and helps to stimulate blood flow.

For how long?
Apply ice or heat up to 15-20 minutes only. Wait 45 minutes to an hour between treatments.

People who live near cold water can take advantage of their lakes and oceans! For people living in California, take a walk into the ocean with your exercise clothes on! I do this often after long hikes and runs, and people look at me like I’m crazy, but I feel so much better!

Resource of the Month




For immediate acute injuries, use the RICE method now known as PRICE!

For All Military

salute-to-us-flag_fullAcupuncture and chiropractic services are now provided at the San Diego military healthcare facilities and “outside” of the military healthcare system. Work within their guidelines/procedures in order to receive these services in the local community.

Be daring and ask your military healthcare provider about seeing a massage-bodywork practitioner in your area if you are experiencing chronic pain, considering or recovering from surgery, healing from injury, or wanting to add another harmonizing therapy to improve your current health situation (a great complement to yoga, talk therapy, etc.).

Currently, the military healthcare system does not recognized massage-bodywork services as a healing therapy. Share with your military healthcare providers the benefits you received from massage-bodywork therapies, and hopefully, eventually, massage-bodywork therapies will be incorporated into the healthcare system and hospitals like acupuncture and chiropractic services.

I have reasonable session rates for active duty, retired, veteran, and government personnel.

Information about My Practice

Do you identify yourself by the pain you are constantly feeling? Is your doctor wanting you to take pain pills and even having you consider surgery? If so, consider therapeutic, medicinal massage-bodywork therapies to help you get rid of pain and avoid unnecessary surgery!

My website is very informative, so please visit to learn more about my services, session prices, and my schedule along with massage-bodywork benefits and tips for before, during, and after your sessions.

I would like to partner with other health practitioners (orthopedic surgeons, dentists, doctors, chiropractors, counselors/therapists, coaches), health facilities (gyms, exercise studios (karate, yoga, dance)), and small businesses in the city of San Diego. My practice does complement these services to bring about more health and well-being to people. If you have any recommendations, please connect us by sending them my e-newsletters and contact information, OR I would be happy to contact them directly!

I can provide demonstrations and classes about health and massage-bodywork to businesses and its employees. Review My Calendar for what talks I’ve completed in the past in the San Diego community.

If you have any questions about my services and would like to set up an appointment, please, call or email me. I look forward to working with you at your next appointment!

Copyright © 2007-2013 Michele Ruppert – All Rights Reserved
No part of this website may be reproduced without permission.