“When treating clients with pain or other significant structural problems, if we can bring the core distortion into weight bearing support and restore the strain patterns in their muscles that were functioning at 50% or less efficiency, then we are well on our way to long term rehabilitation of even severe problems.” –Don McCann, creator of Structural Energetic Therapy.
What Is It?
Structural Energetic Therapy® is the integration of cranial/structural techniques and specific soft tissue protocols for rehabilitation from pain and dysfunction. The focus is the release of the core (spiral) distortion within the body that can be the basic cause of 90% of body pain and dysfunction, and then releasing sub-patterns as the body unwinds the core distortion into balance. Here’s an introductory video from Don McCann summarizing what Structural Energetic Therapy is, along with the SET website.

Structural Energetic Therapy (SET) is similar to Structural Integration because of its deep myofascial bodywork. However, it includes comprehensive muscle testing and cranial structural releases.
SET is the integration of:
Cranial/Structural Releases – to initiate the unwinding of the structures of the core distortion into long-lasting balance, providing structural support. No other modality uses or teaches these techniques – this is NOT CranioSacral Therapy. * I CAN NOT work with people taking prescribed blood thinners. *
Specialized Myofascial Soft Tissue Protocols – to release myofascial holding patterns, scar tissue, and adhesions that maintain distortions causing pain and dysfunction.
Breath sessions – to release blocked emotional energy in order to relieve chronically tightened tissue.
Energetic Healing Techniques – to release energetic and emotional blockages that create pain, distortions, and dysfunction, if necessary.
The ultimate goal is to have you resume your normal life activities pain-free! As your structure integrates into balance and support, you will start to use your body more fully in your normal day-to-day activities. The pain and weaknesses that had previously been in your body can disappear and be replaced with ”pain-free full function”. Everyone starts with a different degree of imbalance and pain due to different life experiences so everyone is unique, and this therapy is adapted to the individual. Thus each client’s conditions are directly addressed producing the quickest results long term.
Everyone, since everyone is born with a core distortion in their body.
Who Does It Help?
It is the only therapy that releases the spiral twist in the body back into weight-bearing support relieving the stresses on joints, spine, and discs that lead to pain and dysfunction. We apply specialized myofascial (muscles and connective tissue) protocols to release myofascial holding patterns that maintain the distortions. We also use breath sessions and energetic healing techniques to release energetic and emotional blockages creating pain, distortions, and dysfunction.
The cranial/structural/facial protocols are the “golden nuggets” of SET. SET sessions can be received primarily in two ways. This work can be such that
1) Clients only receive cranial/structural/facial bones protocols without soft tissue protocols. * OR
2) Clients receive both cranial/structural/facial bones and soft tissue protocols. #
* The recipients receiving only cranial/structural/facial bones protocols would be people who are want to detoxify their brain and get rid of brain fog (from drugs, alcohol, vaccines, exhaustion, etc.); want to get rid of headaches; to heal from concussions, TMJ; to alleviate vertigo; to minimize Bell’s Palsy, dementia, PTSD, TBI effects, ADHD, and other brain conditions. People who don’t want soft tissue bodywork. Just receiving cranial/structural protocols does change and balance the body, it may just take longer without soft tissue protocols.
# The recipients receiving both cranial/structural/facial bones and soft tissue protocols would be people who want to move better in their body, get rid of/minimize pain, etc. However, the more people receive these cranial/structural/facial bones protocols the better, faster, and longer-lasting their healing will be.
* I CAN NOT work with people taking prescribed blood thinners. *
Conditions effectively treated by SET are Scoliosis / ALL Headaches / Detoxifying the brain / Dizziness-Vertigo / Concussions / Neck pain / Shoulder conditions / TMJ / ALL back pain / Sciatic pain / Fibromyalgia / Whiplash / Surgical scars & adhesions / Carpal tunnel / Nerve entrapments & inpingements / Herniated, bulging discs / Tendonitis / Osteoporosis / Joint stiffness / Sports injuries / Trigger finger / Lupus / Heel spurs / Plantar fasciitis / Sprains & Strains of any joint / Bell’s Palsy / GERD / Hiatal Hernias / And so much more ….. (see attachment). SET Client Types
SET does not have a specific number of sessions to be completed. SET practitioners work with people until they get out of pain by applying cranium releases and soft tissue protocols until they are out of pain, feel balanced throughout their body, etc. Visit the main SET website at Structural Energetic Therapy® for more information.
What To Expect From A Session
First sessions with ALL NEW CLIENTS will be releasing the core distortion in the cranium and facial bones. NO exceptions except for potentially adding the Quick Release Technique, the Therapeutic Cranial/Structural Decompression and/or the Frontal/Occipital Decompression first, because your cranium bones are so hard/stuck that the Core Distortion can not be initiated.
Specific muscle/kinesiology testing will be used to ensure body weaknesses are cleared and clients are holding the specific cranium/facial bones releases.
For the first session of releasing the cranial/structural core distortion, it is recommended that clients wear comfortable clothes (like warm-ups, yoga pants, etc. – no jeans, no socks).
For soft tissue sessions, it is recommended that women wear a regular bra or basic/simple swimsuit top, and men are to be shirtless. Everyone with underwear for their pelvic area. Appropriate draping will be used.
Wear NO metal, NO jewelry, including earrings and other jewelry for piercings.
AFTER receiving the first session of the Cranial/Structural Core Distortion Release (C/SCDR) Protocol, the devices, appliances, supports, prescriptions, etc. for used conditions will no longer be effective. Recommend getting them refitted, replaced, etc., after your body settles to its new baseline without the core distortion (typically AFTER 3 sessions, maybe more). Listed below are a few examples:
- Removable dental devices/appliances need adjustments or replacements due to the change in the shape of the mouth. This is only for devices, etc. that are easily removed. This is NOT referring to permanently implanted dental devices.
- Foot supports/inserts, etc. that were supporting a body posture, foot issue, etc. should be considered for replacement. Shoes that are well used/worn, definitely need to be replaced with new shoes.
- Eyeglass prescriptions may no longer be effective due to the improvements in the cranium affecting the shape of the eye.
Session Clarification
Initial (1st visit) Individual Session – 2 hours
Complete first-time client forms
Interview & discussion
Body reading with before/after pictures
Manual muscle testing & palpation assessment
Cranial Structural Core Distortion Release Protocol
Subsequent Individual Sessions (2nd visit and thereafter) – 1.5 to 2 hours
Body reading with before/after pictures
Interview, discussion, follow-up from the previous session
Manual muscle testing with cranial/structural releases and supporting soft tissue protocol
Resources For Further Learning
Here’s a great article by Don McCann in Massage Today, Titled TMJ: A Case Study, Treatment Beyond the “Dental Approach”. SET website is being updated, the full article database is not available at this time.
Articles about breathing, Breath of Life and Breathing and Soft Tissue. SET website is being updated, the full article database is not available at this time.
For more detailed information about SET, go to the SET website at Structural Energetic Therapy® for more information. Click here for the SET database of articles.
Protocol Clarification
Quick Release Technique (QRT) (most all people can receive) – This technique provides clients with an initial quick release from pain symptoms, as well as initiating the release of the reverse curvature of the neck and curvatures of the lower back, both allowing the client to feel more relaxed. This is true even with clients presenting with extremely abnormal curvatures from osteoporosis. * I can do the QRT on adults and children age 7 and older. *
Cranial/Structural Therapeutic Decompression – This technique is based on Osteopathic principles and has many health benefits with the primary one being to shift the body into homeostasis. Also, it can also be used to mobilize a stuck and extremely restricted cranium before doing the Cranial/Structural Core Distortion Release. * With this protocol and at this time, I CAN NOT work on children under the age of 13 years old. * I CAN NOT work with people taking prescribed blood thinners. *
C1 Soft Tissue Release – This release will be included in the QRT along with the cranial therapies and the head/neck/shoulder release protocols listed below. The C1 release is necessary for all/any neck distortion pattern conditions with restrictions around the C1/occiput area, from whiplash, cervical sprain/strain, degenerative discs, herniated discs, stress, or other structural distortion patterns.
Cranial/Structural Frontal/Occipital Decompression aka The Big Pump – This technique is a very powerful detoxifier for the brain and body. Great for anyone who has healed from severe concussions, TBIs, who has dementia, who has been/is going through chemo treatments. For a more thorough description of this technique, read this link and watch the video from its creator, Don McCann (SET website being updated, details not available at this time.). * With this protocol and at this time, I CAN NOT work on children under the age of 13 years old. * I CAN NOT work with people taking prescribed blood thinners. *

Cranial/Structural Core Distortion Release (C/SCDR) Protocol helps release the core distortion that everyone is born with – the cause of 95% of imbalance, dysfunction, and pain. After receiving the C/SCDR, the soft tissue restrictions holding the distortion can not reform the same way again. This is the first session. The old soft tissue restrictions holding the distortion start unwinding and reforming new balanced supported holding patterns. Some conditions related to the core distortion that we are born with are all muscle pain and imbalances, all joint conditions and inflexibility (i.e. shoulder, hip, knee, ankle), arthritis, all muscular-itis, degenerative disc disease, sciatica, hiatal hernias/acid reflux/esophageal spasms, compartmental syndrome, to name a few conditions (see more at the bottom of this webpage). When the cranium is very stuck and will not move, the Cranial/Structural Therapeutic Decompression will be applied first to help free the cranial motion. * With this protocol and at this time, I CAN NOT work on children under the age of 13 years old. * I CAN NOT work with people taking prescribed blood thinners. *
The core distortion pattern is released from the soft tissue with the Head/Neck/Shoulder, Pelvic Balancing, and Thoracic Torsion Releases soft tissue protocols. There is no specific progression of patterns or number of sessions, and sometimes clients will switch back and forth between patterns before beginning to stabilize.
Once the Core Distortion is released from the cranium/skeleton and soft tissue, many times sub-patterns will be seen in the body. Then sessions will involve the Cranial/Structural Blueprint muscle testing/releases and additional sub-pattern soft tissue protocols with periodic re-visits of core distortion soft tissue protocols listed above.
Cranial/Structural Blueprint muscle testing/releases help further release any residual core distortion in the cranium and find/address cranium/soft tissue sub-patterns. The Cranial Blueprint can start as soon as the second session and sessions thereafter, after the core distortion is released from the cranium. This blueprint generally identifies what additional cranial releases and soft tissue protocols to do with the client. * With this protocol and at this time, I CAN NOT work on children under the age of 13 years old. * I CAN NOT work with people taking prescribed blood thinners. *