December 2010 – Health-Massage-Bodywork Tips E-Newsletter

Health-Massage-Bodywork Tips

Here’s a short informative “Proper Posture” video made in 1947 to watch.  Nothing new here!

People usually relate pain to accidents or some type of physical or emotional trauma.  However, research and textbooks note that any type of discomfort originates from any combination of factors listed in the 1st column.  The factors in the 1st column, when not resolved, lead to factors in the 2nd column, which further contributes to pain.

Dehydration Postural distortions
Improper diet Nerve impingement
Emotional tensions/drama Muscle tension, Muscle lesions, etc.
Misuse of body/Improper movements Inflammation, Edema, etc.
Overused/Repetitive movements More stressful lifestyles
Fatigue/Not getting enough rest Functional disability
Medications Restricted joint movement
Constant use of hot water Using devices – shoe inserts, canes, etc.

I’m not chasing you away, but in reality you can really heal yourself.  When you become ultra-aware of how you tick, you will know what you need to do to address any discomfort you feel.

Sometimes you can’t do all by yourself.  In our world of abundance, there are oodles of “things out there” that/who can help you.  As with everything else in life, it’s your journey to figure out what combination of “stuff” that will work for you.

Here’s where I come in.  My business motto is “be you, naturally…”.  The intention of my practice is to help facilitate clients out of pain and discomfort they are experiencing.  From my experience in my own “pain” journey, my schooling, and working with clients, addressing pain-discomfort related issues requires a partnership between you and me.

If a person comes in and requests a relaxation session, I tend to do traditional Thai massage and/or energy work.  Generally, I do all the work in the session, while the client rests and goes within to reset his/her own internal healing system.

If a person comes in and requests a session to address pain/discomfort conditions, I tend to actively work with the client by using a mixture of gentle (Thai massage like) to intense (Structural Integration, Rossiter, Neuromuscular like) techniques.  See my website for more information about these modalities.  This is an open, active partnership where we are both communicating throughout the session.  I request clients to do certain movements throughout the session that 1) will stimulate the little muscles to wake-up while I’m working on the big muscles to the “chill out”, that 2) will release contracted muscles, and more.

As Ida Rolf used to say, “We are looking for a way to evoke human potential…to established greater physical and mental vitality.”  I endeavor to do this by designing sessions to get you back to human design and offering natural ways to help to find your natural, healthy well-being.  More importantly, these sessions must be combined with drinking water daily, exercising daily, moving properly, getting adequate rest, eating nutritious foods, having a positive emotional/mental perspective, creating new healthy habits, and more.

It’s really up to you – how much do you want to do to feel “grrreat”?

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


BiologyOfBeliefChanging how you think can change how you feel and potentially heal yourself.  A must read!  Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton.BodyMind

BodyMind by Ken Dychtwald (last book listed on web page) – An interesting book about whether the body posture creates your emotional being OR is it emotions that sets your posture.  Hmm.

Gift certificates – I have them if you need more stocking stuffers and gifts for the holidays!

Information about My Practice

A new testimonial:  “Michele was a breath of fresh air.  I was expecting a traditional massage and was pleasantly surprised with her technique.  A definite thumbs up!!!”
-Bryan Koot, Driver

Do you identify yourself by the discomfort you are feeling lately?

Are you dependent on pain medications or considering splints and other supportive devices (like canes, shoe inserts, etc.), shots (like cortisone, steroids, etc.), and surgery?

Are you tired of chronic pain, tingling, numbness, always getting injured, experiencing stress fractures, and lack of strength anywhere in your body?

Do you want improved movement, better range of motion, and restful sleep?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, I can help you with the connective tissue massage-bodywork therapies I use as a part of my practice.

My website is very informative, so please visit to learn more about my services, session prices, and my schedule along with massage-bodywork benefits and tips for before, during, and after your sessions.

I would like to partner with other health practitioners (orthopedic surgeons, dentists, doctors, chiropractors, counselors/therapists, coaches), health facilities (gyms, exercise studios (karate, yoga, dance)), and small businesses in the city of San Diego.  My practice does complement these services to bring about more health and well-being to people.  If you have any recommendations, please connect us by sending them my e-newsletters and contact information, OR I would be happy to contact them directly!

I can provide demonstrations and classes about health and massage-bodywork to businesses and their employees.  Review My Calendar for the talks and health/wellness events I’ve completed in the past in the San Diego community.

If you have any questions about my services and would like to set up an appointment, please, call or email me.  I look forward to working with you at your next appointment!

Copyright © 2007-2013 Michele Ruppert – All Rights Reserved
No part of this website may be reproduced without permission.