April 2011 – Health-Massage-Bodywork Tips E-Newsletter

Health-Massage-Bodywork Tips

People been asking me if I drink water.  Yes, I drink lots of water or I wouldn’t recommend it.  Some days I do well (getting in 3 liters (~100 oz)); other days I drink ~30-60 oz.  I can easily say I drink more water than most people on earth, and I feel good about that since I haven’t had a cold in years along with no current health issues.

People ask me what is the best water to drink.  My answer is any water that feels and tastes good when you drink it.  I drink a variety of water from home filtered, distilled, reverse osmosis, and ionized-alkalized water.  I drink a variety of waters just like I eat a variety of foods.  My body likes variety.  However, I do avoid straight tap water (my body doesn’t like it) and the bottled-water industry (way too much plastic waste).  I have my own set of water bottles I use throughout the day.  With Earth Day festivities this month, there will be water bottle sales, so buy some of those “environmental friendly” bottles and drink and refill them as much as possible!

If you are drinking/using tap water, I recommend researching what’s in the water that you are consuming.  Ensure that the water system you are using is eliminating “the goodies” you don’t want to consume.  For example, in February 2011, the City of San Diego began fluoridating all its drinking water.  Personally I think this is frightening, and one of the reasons why I drink other than tap water and now looking for water system alternatives for my home that use water (like my washer/dryer, showers, etc.).

Just like exploring different flavors of beer, wines, and food, explore what water tastes and feels good to you, too!


water11) A Savings Experiment – An article with good ideas and more websites to cruise for information.

2) A great read, “Your Body’s Many Cries for Water” by F. Batmanghelidj.  For more information about the “wonders of water” can be found at WaterCure.

Information about My Practice

Do you identify yourself by the discomfort you are feeling lately?

Are you dependent on pain medications or considering splints and other supportive devices (like canes, shoe inserts, etc.), shots (like cortisone, steroids, etc.), and surgery?

Are you tired of chronic pain, tingling, numbness, always getting injured, experiencing stress fractures, and lack of strength anywhere in your body?

Do you want improved movement, better range of motion, and restful sleep?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, I can help you with the connective tissue massage-bodywork therapies I use as a part of my practice.

My website is very informative, so please visit to learn more about my services, session prices, and my schedule along with massage-bodywork benefits and tips for before, during, and after your sessions.

I would like to partner with other health practitioners (orthopedic surgeons, dentists, naturopathic doctors, chiropractors, psychological counselors, athletic and life coaches, acupuncturists, movement instructors/practitioners), health facilities (gyms, exercise studios (karate, yoga, dance)), and small businesses in the city of San Diego.  My practice does complement these services to bring about more health and well-being to people.  If you have any recommendations, please connect us by sending them my e-newsletters and contact information, OR I would be happy to contact them directly!

I can provide demonstrations and classes about health and massage-bodywork to businesses and their employees.  Review My Calendar for the talks and health/wellness events I’ve completed in the past in the San Diego community.

If you have any questions about my services and would like to set up an appointment, please, call or email me.  I look forward to working with you at your next appointment!

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No part of this website may be reproduced without permission.