“I am prepared to meet anyone, but whether anyone is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter.” -Mark Twain
My Certifications, Licenses, and Specializations
Rehabilitation Therapies (massage and energy modalities)
Nationally certified massage practitioner via National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB). NCBTMB Directory.
California state licensed massage therapist with the California Massage Therapy Council (CAMTC). My CAMTC profile.
Structural Energetic Therapy® (SET) Phase III practitioner with Advanced Energetic Cranial/Structural Releases (2021) (trained by Don McCann, creator of SET). My SET profile.
Scar Tissue Massage (2013) (trained by Sharon Wheeler, first-generation Rolfer® who was trained by Ida Rolf, Ph.D. in 1968 at Esalen). ScarWork-USA website and practitioner directory to be published.
Certified Rossiter Stretching Coach (2008) (trained and certified by Richard Rossiter, an advanced certified Rolfer®). Rossiter Directory.
Associate of Science degree in Holistic Health, a Holistic Health Practitioner (HHP) Certificate, and a Massage Therapy (MT) Certificate from the International Professional School of Bodywork (IPSB) College in San Diego, CA, with specializations in traditional Thai massage, Neuromuscular Therapy (also known as Trigger Point Therapy), and the Structural Integration 10-series (2007).
Structural Integration (trained by Ed Maupin, Ph.D., first-generation Rolfer® who was trained by Ida Rolf, Ph.D. in 1968 at Esalen. The IPSB Structural Integration Program is an approved Structural Integration Program by the International Association of Structural Integrators (IASI). IASI spotlights IPSB, with Ed Maupin in the picture. The Structural Integration system is sometimes referred to as Rolfing or the Rolf Method, which is the same as Structural Integration – they are all the same modality.
Rehabilitation Therapies (exercise programs)
Certified Personal Trainer (2015) through the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) with specializations in both Corrective Exercise (2015) for injury prevention and Sports Performance Enhancement (2016). My NASM profile and NASM Badges. Nutrition Certification (in progress).
GEAR (Goals, Energy, Accountability, Results) Indoor Cycling (Instructor) Certification (2020) through the Athletics and Fitness Association of America (AFAA). My AFAA profile.
Certified Swim Coach (Levels 1-2) (2016) through United States Masters Swimming (USMS). My USMS profile.
Life-Health Coaching (verbal coaching along with meditation, cranial/structural releases, and energy therapies)
Holistic Health Coach Certification (2021) through the Pacific College of Health and Science using the International Coaching Federation’s Core Competencies Coaching Model and Code of Ethics.
Access Consciousness® Bars Practitioner (BP) (2013) and Access Consciousness® Bars Facilitator (BF) (2022) through Access Consciousness®. My Facilitator profile.
Certified HeathMath Professional (2021) using HeartMath‘s Clinical Resources and Applications for Stress, Anxiety, and Emotional Regulation. Currently, I am working towards completing the Trauma-Sensitive HeartMath Certification. My HeartMath profile.
Quantum-Touch Level 1 practitioner (2017) through Quantum-Touch Professional Program.
Healing Touch Level 1 practitioner (2010) through the Healing Touch International Certification Program.
Articles & Awards
World Massage Festival’s Hall of Fame Inductee (July 2023)
An interview by the San Diego Woman Magazine. I was honored that they found me and wrote this article to share with the public why I help people be the best they can be through hands-on therapy. The article can be found at https://issuu.com/judithhabert/docs/final_inspirational_women_issue/1?ff=true&e=27520877%2F61523326, pages 9-10.
If the magazine article link no longer works, click here.
My Insurance
Insurance through the Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals (ABMP) and Hands On Trade Association. My ABMP profile.
Continuing Education
I am a life long learner. I continue to attend a myriad of health, coaching, body, mind, and spirit courses in order to maintain my certifications, licenses, and specializations. Also, I enjoy taking these courses along with reading books and periodicals, listening to podcasts, etc., so I keep my skills current and precise. I can’t do it all, so having knowledge of what is “out there” in the holistic health industry helps me with referring clients to other modalities and practitioners who can help them and their specific needs.
My studies include anatomy, physiology and pathologies, circulatory massage, deep tissue sculpting, passive joint movement techniques, somatic psychology, yoga, hydrotherapy and spa applications, BLISSwork, meditation, Feldendrais, Chi Nei Tsang (internal vital organ chi massage), microcurrent technologies, and a variety of other massage therapy, exercise, diet/nutrition, mind-body-spirit, and holistic health technology courses. Every year I attended the World Massage Festival for continuing education.
I do incorporate breathwork (included as a part of Structural Energetic Therapy sessions if interested), cupping (used in scar tissue sessions), and the Avazzia Pro-Sport 3 device (used in scar tissue and high pain sessions (replaced the Dolphin Neurostim/Microcurrent Point Stimulation device I was using).
Graduate of the Gokhale Method® Foundation course.
Certificate of Completion from the Optimum Health Institute’s 3-week study course and Gerson Institute’s Basics Workshop.