Massage Tips

“If you don’t move your body, your brain thinks you’re dead. Movement of the body will not only clear out the “sludge”, but will also give you more energy. Treat your body like a car – keep it tuned up and will will run for a very long time.” -Sylvia Brown

The Art of Receiving Massage-Bodywork
To gain the most from your massage-bodywork experience, here are some tips:

  • Preparation: A clean body is like a clean canvas, easy to work on and gives the artist a clean perception of their work.  An Epson bath (before and after a massage-bodywork appointment) may aid in relaxation and the release of toxins.
  • Breath: Deep relaxed breath encourages our body and mind to relax and release tension.  It is the essence of life.
  • Communication: An open line of communication between client and practitioner is the essential to achieve the desired outcome of the massage-bodywork appointment.  The practitioner is not working alone.  The client is participating in this healing art just as much as the practitioner.
  • Water: Since our bodies are mostly made of fluid, it is vital to drink a lot of water before and after a massage-bodywork appointment.  This will help the body to relax and release tension and toxins.
  • Listening: Silence gives us the opportunity to hear what our bodies have to say.  In silence, we find peace.
  • Release: All of our life experiences are recorded in our bodies.  During a massage-bodywork appointment some memories (pleasant and unpleasant) may come up.  Don’t panic.  This is normal.  Let your practitioner know if there is anything they can do to aid in the process of the release.
  • Gratitude: Give thanks to your practitioner and to yourself for taking the time to give your body what it deserves!
  • Relax and enjoy!

The Art of Giving Massage-Bodywork
To gain the most from your massage-bodywork experience, here are some tips:

  • Preparation: It is imperative that the practitioner  has a clean space to give a massage-bodywork session.  Clean and warm sheets, lotion/oils, hands, clothes, and surrounding areas are essential.
  • Breath: The practitioner’s breathing will set the tone of the massage-bodywork session.  Slow, deep relaxed breaths are the best way for the practitioner to stay grounded and present.  This will also encourage the client to breath, too.
  • Communications: It is up to the practitioner to make sure they have all the information they need to do their work appropriately.  They must be clear in their speech and clear in their intention of the massage-bodywork session.
  • Water: The practitioner should have water available for both the client and themselves.  Drinking a lot of water before and after a massage-bodywork session will give the practitioner the energy they need to do their work and stay healthy.
  • Intention: The intention of both practitioner and client will be the outcome of the massage-bodywork session.  The practitioner must be compassionate and present in their work.  From a neutral space filled with compassion, the practitioner will be a great aid in the healing process.
  • Attention: The thoughts of the practitioner must be on the client’s comfort at all times.  Stay present!  This will include checking-in with the client about body temperature, feelings, thoughts, and level of pain tolerance.  By watching and feeling the client’s breath, the practitioner will be able to apply the appropriate amount of pressure and speed.
  • Gratitude: Give thanks to your client for the opportunity to practice this sacred healing art.